Tuesday 15 October 2013

More catching up

I haven't really been enjoying Corrie recently.  With the exception of Hayley & Roy, it's been terrible to watch.

Too much Michelle Connor for one thing. What an unlikely, ungrateful, mean, petty woman she is. Sabotaging Peter's meeting (which could have meant losing business), then walking out because, er, I don't know what for.  And then she has a wee moan, and gets a job off Stella despite the fact that Stella's in the process of selling her business. What about all her contacts? The ones she's had for years? The one whose wedding she apparently went to because they went back so far, despite the fact she's only worked at the factory for five minutes and appears to now refer to her role as that of a PA anyway (who don't, in any place I've ever worked, do the schmoozing and the networking and brokering of deals). Nah, that would involve getting a job away from the street.

I've lost track of who knows what and who's hiding what and why anyone should care about David/Nick/Kylie/Lily.  I don't care that Kylie has suddenly become best friends with Eva just to give her someone to talk to (like Katy's plot device friend and Faye's plot device friend, this friendship will be forgotten as soon as this storyline is done). I really don't care for Deirdre's continuing mutation into a thoughtless batty old dear with no self-awareness whatsoever. Beverley Callard's face is ridiculous, and I worry she's going to turn into Julie Goodyear with her return. She is probably going to have a fling with Michelle's ridiculous father, and I will have to start fast forwarding past them like I keep threatening to do every time Anna and Owen are on screen.

I did like Norris teaching Roy to foxtrot though. And Tracey's jibe about Tina's fake tan.  And the one good thing to come out of Karl's really quick and stupid comeuppance (more of which in some other post, possibly), is that Beth really came into her own.  Of course, she's vanished again now.

Oh, and how come Steve's got his and Michelle's names over the door? He wasn't allowed it the last time he had the pub, due to his criminal record. And Michelle can't have applied for a license to sell alcohol because she didn't even know she was getting a pub.

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