Thursday 4 July 2013

An introduction


Like all good writers (and several terrible ones), I must start by dedicating this to my mum.  She made me start watching Coronation Street.  It's all her fault.  I may never let her read this.

Now, I have watched this nonsense for nigh on 35 years, so some of the characters are like a family. Part of a weird dysfunctional nonsensical family tree which mysteriously grows (and sheds) branches when the plot requires, but a family nonetheless.

Like a family, you excuse their flaws because you love them, or just because it's easier to roll with the punches. But sometimes you just end up screaming "wtf, that's NOT LIKE YOU" at them. Corrie makes me do this a LOT. So I'm going to rant about it a bit.  Maybe.

Some recent tiny examples.

Christian do-gooder Sophie being really cross with Mary for taking an interest in Faye's welfare.

Roy actually putting on that ridiculous tambourine-accessorised pyjama top (also, wouldn't it just be easier to put something across the bedroom door rather than have him lie in bed sounding like a particularly inept one-man band whenever he rolls over in his sleep?).

Deirdre walking Eccles alone on the Red Rec after dark. Her husband was murdered walking alone late at night, you'd think she'd be a bit more careful about straying off the beaten path.

There are biggies too, like why Izzy won't try again for a baby, why Anna suggested she should try adoption when herself and Gary are more settled when it was Gary's criminal record that saw them go down the surrogacy route to start with (this entire storyline would have been much better with Julie and Brian as the prospective parents, surely?).

And then there's the investigative skills of Weatherfield Plod and the collective amnesia that affects all the residents when someone is wronged. This one may take some time.

Still, at least there's no hilarious comedy storylines involving dead tortoises or Craig Tinker's rat at the moment. Yet. For that we can surely be grateful.

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